assalamualaikum and... good morning..? well it's midnight, don't trust the time on the blog! they fraud.

ok well, recently, i have been to Bangkok, which is located in Thailand. it was um, a pleasant getaway with my family because we actually haven't been on a vacay for such a long time so, there's my dad asking us whether we want to go to Bangkok or not months ago.

Well, the point is, i am not going to narrate such a boring review about Bangkok or what, as you can see on the title itself, which i am not a good you know...well. it's just i want to share some of my experiences during my second  day visit in Bangkok.

we (my family and i) were shopping at this one place called MBK Center. they sell lots of cheap local stuff on well certain floor, i couldn't recall which floor is it .
OK, then after a looonggg walking and lotsss of buying, we went to a store that sell lots of hats. and they are many kind of hats , i just could not name it down because i know nothing about types of hat.
then, the owner of the store was being very friendly and really convincing us to buy some hats from her store and it was her luck that my sister really loves to collect hats. she( the owner) even know some common malay words , which are quite interesting such as cantik , terima kasih. hahaha.
and as we were about to go, she asked my mother politely

"can I ask you a bit question?"
my mom noded.
"is she(she pointed to my sister) can where hats only when going to outside?"
my mom said no.
"if she where hijab and hat, is it can?"
this time of course, my mom said yes.
and, she was fascinated.
and i made some joke that not really a joke,
"but we can open our hijab at home!"

and then, my father explained briefly that we Muslim women wear hijab to cover our aurah . it is a must in our religion, it is actually religion related, it's a religion thing.
and then, she kind of like,
"but here is hot"
and there was me again saying,
"eh noooo, it's cold" joking of course
my father replied, well it's a test.
and i guess she simply understand and she thanked us and we bid a goodbye

AND hahahahaha, BM plis!
baru-baru ni aku tengok video kat youtube, drpd seorang youtuber terkenal gaklaaa drpd Korea, his name is Jay Kim. i love his video that talk about Islam. it's something that people rarely do it, for someone who wasn't even a muslim. And yeahh, let's pray to Allah the good thing for him.
ok well, the video content was about interviewing an American Muslimah who currently live in South Korea.


there, i pasted down the link if you want to watch it first before reviewing what i am going to write :)

ada satu part dalam video tu which is Dina, the American Muslimah were being asked about her opinion on hijab
and dia punya pandangan dia bagi dalam anologi.

dalam undang2, waktu memandu, kita kena pakai seatbelt, that's mandatory. but some of us doesn't wear it. it's the LAW, for your safety. but unfortunately, ada yang tak pakai. it's a choice. nak pakai atau tak. samalah macam hijab.

Allah suruh kita tutup aurat dengan sempurna, bagi yang perempuan labuhkan hijab hingga ke dada. bukan wanita sahaja yang kena berpakaian sopan, lelaki jugak. and actually, i was a bit against her opinion to say that hijab is our own choice, well, technically, it's not. it's a mandatory. macam solat.
kau buat dosa? solat. kau minum arak? solat. kau berzina? solat. kau dedah aurat? solat. it isn't about ohh, takpelah aku tak tutup aurat, janji hati aku baik. aku taknak jadi munafik. dahlah munafik tu nanti dilempar ke neraka paling bawah (An-Nisa:145). wearing hijab, or solat, it's compulsory. using such reason as aku banyak buat dosa kot, apa guna aku solat? no, kalau kau muslim, diwajibkan ke atas kau untuk solat. tak kiralah sesusah mana pun keadaan kau. unless, kau memang dalam keadaan golongan yang tidak diwajibkan solat ke atasnya.
sebab apa solat? solat itu perkara pertama yang disoal di hari akhirat sana.
and, some people say that, apa guna tudung labuh2, solat tak tinggal tapi perangai menyakitkan hati je. and ada gak yang question like, bukan orang yang jaga solat ni supposedly elok ke perangai?
well, it's not my cup of tea untuk judge that. aku pun bukannya nak judge any person, i just want to share my views on certain issue.

well, that's all for this entry. i hope that this writing of mine will give you some benefits or even ilmu baru .
moga ada manfaat :)


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