today, the short list of upu came out and of course, I am not the one who are eager to know which university that I chose on the past week that I passed the requirements. after Asr prayer, I opened the website to check out the short list one. my heart was 50-50 believe that I did get to enter the most wanted university(well my list). after opening the website, I was half shocked and half of me was being like, 'ok, as expected'. and yes, I guess you guys can predict as well; I didn't made to apply my most wanted local university with the course that I wanted so badly.
phew, let's jump into Bahasa Melayu !
oklah, hahaha.
dipendekkan cerita, aku hanya dapat 4 je universiti yang aku pilih daripada 12 pilihan yang aku buat. well, semestinya keempat² tu bukan terletak dalam 5 pilihan utama
tapi alhamdulillah Allah itu Maha Pemurah, masih ada tawaran dalam bidang yang merupakan passion aku tapi di university lain, which are miles away from my home. when I mean miles away, I mean out of the Peninsular. get it? ada jugaklah satu bahagian timur Malaysia. haha
well, last year, 12 December 2018 to be exact aku dapat offer kat intec , untuk sambung belajar dalam CAT which is an accountancy programme yang memakan masa 3 tahun mcm tu. and after habis je CAT programme ni, kau akan sit for an exam called ACCA untuk melayakkan kau menjadi one of professional accountant dalam dunia because ACCA is qualified around the world. but, unfortunately I went to the iv pun sbb ayah suruh, cari pengalaman iv katanya. makanya, aku dan kawan aku, sarah pun pergilah iv tu. bezanya, dia minat walhal tika tu aku berazam utk iv main² (haha) sbb aku tak minat. time iv tu, aku direct je ckp dgn interviewer tu, 'but accountancy is not my passion'
dan terbeliaklah mata beliau sbb aku ckp mcm tu. yelah, mungkin pada tanggapan beliau, kalau dah tak minat why bother wasting time coming here?
aku pun jelaskanlah yang passion aku kat sekian², ayah aku yang suruh dtg at blablabla. dia pun tanya, if you get this offer, will you accept? aku pun diam sbb yelahhh, ni melibatkan my future kot. macam mana aku nak habiskan study dlm bidang yang aku langsung tak minat??
then beliau kata, think deeply. kalau awak terima, then bulan 1 dah start kelas, bulan 3 dah ada international exam. by that time result pun belum keluar.
dan..aku pun akhirnya menjawab, mungkin saya takkan terima offer ni sbb bukan passion saya.
dia pun, okay.
dan aku pun, thanks for spending your time for interviewing me. have a nice day. :)
pointnya aku nak cakap dekat sini, if you have a deep passion on something, go for it. bcs only you know how to make it work. others can't do it for you. unless your parents isn't the same page with you, try to convince them. prove that you can. but if your parents believe that your passion isn't the best for you, then, maybe their decision is the best.
each parents are different. if you have parents who are always supporting your passion, well lucky you. but if you have a parents who doesn't allow you to chase your passion bcs they know the consequences might be bad, well lucky to you too bcs they live longer than you did so have faith in them, have faith in Allah bcs Allah will give you victory and success on the right time :)
sebenarnya, cerita pasal passion aku ni tak habis lagi but it's ok, ada masa aku sambung di lain post.
moga ada manfaat :)
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